Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

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1 Course

1 Subject

week 3 DQ_ Global Health

week 3 DQ_ Global Health

Q Please pick one of the case studies (Botswana, Zambia, Smallpox, Thailand, or China) and discuss what approaches were successful. How have interventions for global health epidemics been cost-effective focused, and what were the repercussions of these interventions? What are some of the setbacks and how do you think we could work around them in the future? Drawing from the Parker (2002) article about the unequal global distribution of diseases and prevention efforts, pick one of the "big three" communicable diseases (Malaria, TB, or HIV/AIDs) and analyze how prevention and treatment strategies have been affected by global politics and structural inequalities. Do global institutions such as the World Bank narrow or exacerbate these structural inequalities? Address how this diseases and its treatment are linked to the social determinants of health.

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For this week’s discussion, I have chosen the case study of Zambia, where the National Malaria Control program of the country has been described. As per the case study, the National Malaria Program started with the purpose of increasing awareness regarding applying indoor residual spraying, using insecticide treated nets and most significantly taking rapid combination therapy drugs and diagnostic tests. These measures are necessary for controlling the increasing rate of Malaria patients. The case study further indicates that the government of Zambia showed excellence in leadership while pursuing this prevention and control program as they applied four